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23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
FULL SketchBook Pro 2005 ##HOT## Download ===> In April 2018, the full-featured version of Sketchbook was made completely free to all users; the subscription model has been phased out, and all premium features (including perspective guides, flood fill, layer effects, and brush customization) are unlocked. Sketchbook will continue to be offered as a commercial subscription product, under its current incarnation: Sketchbook for Enterprise (this version of Sketchbook includes paid technical support as well as cross-functionality with other Autodesk software).[9][10] Thankfully, the software does not rely on a proprietary image format, instead allowing users to choose from a variety of industry standard formats, including layered .psd files. Users may also save GIF, PNG, TIFF or JPEG files. One thing to consider before becoming a SketchBook Pro 2 user is what you hope to get out of the software. If youre a graphic designer or photographer with a need to heavily process images for print or online distribution, this probably isnt the software for you. It doesnt even want to be. However, if you are an artist that keeps a sketchbook, creates concept art or enjoys doodling with the option to paint, SketchBook Pro 2 is ideal. Using the software for a few days now has caused me to look into purchasing a Tablet PC instead of the standard laptop I was looking at. The possibilities for both Tablet PC users and graphics tablet desktop PC users are great, but the freedom afforded by a Tablet PC is much more attractive. Ive longed for the day when I can take a long walk and have full access to an entire digital art studio at the flick of a power switch. This is entirely possible with other software but none of them are built without keyboard interaction requirements like SketchBook Pro 2 has been. As I wrote earlier, the software really feels like an artists tool, never breaking the continuity of the creative frame of mind. As you can hopefully tell, Im a great fan of SketchBook Pro 2. The program really excels at being a great, keyboard free drawing and painting program. Photoshop users should seriously consider adding SketchBook Pro 2 for their drawing and painting needs, while reserving Photoshop for the detail and final polish work. Alias has delivered an excellent upgrade to an already excellent piece of software. SketchBook Pro 2 is available for both Mac OS and Windows operating systems. The full version sells for $179, upgrades are $79, while the educational version costs $89. A fully functional non-consecutive 15-day trial is also available. All flavors of the software can be found on Alias website. My biggest problem with the program, which is more of an annoyance, is the zoom tool. The zoom tool is another puck tool and you click and drag to zoom in and out on the image. The multitouch actions on a touchpad work also. However, and this is my complaint, the typical command+ and command- key commands do not work for zoom. You either have to use the puck or a touch pad. Hopefully this gets fixed in an update or the next version. I Started by opening Sketchbook Pro, I'm using version 5.2. I received my first copy of Sketchbook on my first tablet PC I bought back in 2005. I instantly liked the functionality of the pen stroke gestures and it was the first serious drawing program designed to be used on a tablet.It would appear to me that Sketchbook has continued to get better at what it seems to do best, Help traditional artist enter the world of digital art as painlessly as possible.Honestly, I use all kinds of software to do what I do. It is the same as my shop, I have a bunch of tools and they are all good for different things...I love them all.Okay, now where to start? Bristol, England-based author and designer Tristan Manco is back with a followup to his 2007 original book Street Sketchbook, which opened up the sketchbooks of several international artists working most visibly in the street. This followup, Street Sketchbook: Journeys, does much the same but offers a greater scope of work by each of the artists profiled. Volume 3 - 1st printing. Imported From Argentina! Ariel Olivetti, one of the most important artists of the new generation - illustrator of Superman, Batman, Alien, Predator, Space Ghost and many more comics - presents his third amazing sketchbook! Included are sketches of classic characters, his own personal creations, characters from Marvel and DC Comics, and a special dossier on the Green Lantern Corps. Softcover, 48 pages, B&W. NOTE: Text in both English and Spanish.Cover price $11.95. XP-Pen has been making digital graphics tablets and tablet monitors since 2005, when it was founded in Japan. In 2015, XPPEN Technology Co. opened as its U.S. branch. They stress that they create based on feedback from users. They make the Artist Series display tablets, such as the XP-Pen 22, a high-resolution pen display tablet; the Star Series of graphics tablets; light pads for tracing; artist gloves, and other accessories for creative arts. They also aim for the educational market. The XP-PEN Star G960S is a new (as of May 2020) graphics tablet from XP-PEN. The company started in Japan in 2005 and since 2019 has been part of the HanvonUgeeGroup. In the past I have reviewed some XP-PEN display tablets. The G960S is a non-screen graphics tablet I received for review. XP-Pen started out in Japan in 2005, and since then has opened offices in Taiwan; Shenzhen, China; and the U.S. They state their concern with the environment led to them to make their pens battery-free. They were kind enough to send me this tablet to review, so I have had time to test out various art programs on it. A filled sketchbook is a memento unlike any other. Sketchbooks are intimate and personal and carry the power to bring you back to that moment and all its sensual detail instantly. You think: I wish I could do that. Well, now you can! Imagine your sketchbook filled with your Paris stories: outings with sketchpals, moments in cafés, delicious treats you ate, people you met, plus ideas and insights that you will use later in life and art. "Paris Sketchbook is a wonderful way to come and SEE Paris as you have to really LOOK when sketching anything in a travel sketchbook. All the teachers sparked great ways to approach making a travel journal, it felt as thought there was something for everyone, whether a novice or experienced journaler." Along with a few optional 'open studio hours' where you can get some sketchbook time in with support from members of the sketchbook team, we will host optional late afternoon meetups (we call them sketchups!) Including a visit to an artist's studio, a gathering on the Pont des Arts, a group boat ride on the Seine and more. Marcus McAllister is a French-American full-time professional artist based in Paris for the past twenty-five years. In his acrylic paintings and long-term sketchbook discipline, he layers figures, animals, text, abstract signs and mystic symbols to create meaningful dream-like glimpses of his inner universe. Cynthia's illustrated journals are bursting with color, drawings, and snippets of life both on the road and at home in Colorado. Her pages show how to see familiar and faraway places with new eyes. Cynthia is the creator of Writual Blessings, a colorful deck of affirmations for writers. Cynthia illustrated the book, How to Sell Your Art Online by Cory Huff. She has been leading writing and creativity workshops in Paris since 2005. XP-Pen is a company started in Japan in 2005 and was only recently incorporated in USA in 2015. They have been producing the technology for making digital tablets since 2005. I've never heard of them until I saw the XP-PEN 22HD which, if I'm not wrong, is one of the earlier products sold under their own brand. Art of the Comic Book is a college-level studio workshop for making comics with traditional ink-on-paper media. Exercises are based on real-world assignments. Fundamental comic book media techniques include storytelling, character design, working with scripts, hand lettering, inking with brushes and dip pens, figure drawing, sketchbook practice and group critiques. Learn more Lettering an important part of comics. Beyond just telling you who's speaking, word balloon placement can affect storytelling, page readability, expression, and determine horizontal order of drawn characters. This is why most artists prefer full scripts instead of the "Marvel Method". If done well, most even notice your undercover genius. Learn more 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Treinta Plugins Para Mejorar Los Comentarios En WordPress Download === Primero, te guiaremos a través de los pasos fundamentales de la optimización de sitios web. Luego, discutiremos los consejos básicos para mejorar varios aspectos de tu sitio de WordPress, desde URLs hasta imágenes. Yoast SEO y All in One SEO son dos de los plugins de SEO para WordPress más populares. Ambos son freemium: puedes descargarlos gratis y actualizar a sus versiones pagas para obtener funciones avanzadas adicionales. Otro método para combatir el spam es mediante el uso de plugins. Akismet, que viene incluido en cada instalación de WordPress, es excelente para filtrar comentarios maliciosos. Además, considera utilizar este plugin de QuantumCloud para eliminar el campo URL del sitio del formulario de comentarios. Por ejemplo, nuestro artículo sobre la instalación de plugins de WordPress contiene enlaces internos a publicaciones que hablan sobre recomendaciones de plugins. De esta manera, los lectores pueden conocer las diferentes extensiones para instalar después de aprender el proceso de instalación en sí. Si es posible, considera asistir a eventos relacionados con el SEO para establecer contactos con expertos en el tema y obtener información sobre cómo mejorar el posicionamiento de tu sitio. Algunas convenciones populares incluyen brightonSEO, Ad World, y MozCon. La sección Comentarios rechazados es muy similar a la lista Moderación de comentarios, pero en este caso, cuando algo coincide con lo estipulado, el comentario se procede a eliminar y enviar a la papelera en lugar de retenerlo para su moderación. Después de instalar WordPress en tu Hosting, habrá algunos datos de ejemplo que no deseas mostrar en su sitio, eliminar plugins que se instalan con la instalación básica, cambiar el nombre de usuario, enlaces permanentes, mejorar la seguridad y otras cuestiones que es importante tener presentes. Muchas de estas indicaciones están orientadas a mejorar la seguridad de tu blog, la visibilidad en los buscadores más utilizados y el feedback con los visitantes de tu blog, de forma que pueden servirte de guía para mejorar el conjunto de tu instalación de WordPress. El contenido es la esencia de tu blog, donde están las ideas, opiniones y el conocimiento que deseas transmitir. Para ayudarte a organizarlas y potenciarlas hemos colectado más de 30 plugins para entradas en blogs con WordPress. Su alojamiento de WordPress puede ser rápido, pero eso no siempre es una varita mágica para plugins y temas horriblemente codificados o no optimizados. Esto lo vemos todo el tiempo aquí en Kinsta. A veces incluso un solo plugin o fragmento de código malo puede ser el peor enemigo de su sitio y detener todo. Es por eso que monitoreamos a nuestros clientes constantemente con Herramienta Kinsta APM e incluso tenemos una lista de plugins prohibidos. Hoy vamos a compartir con usted algunos WordPress plugins de rendimiento menos conocidos pero útiles que pueden ayudarle a solucionar problemas y acelerar su sitio. Podría parecer irónico el arreglar un plugin o script con otro plugin. Que no es la mejor forma de resolver un problema. Pero para aquellos que no son desarrolladores de WordPress, en muchos casos esto podría ser a lo que usted tenga que recurrir. No hay tal cosa como un plugin o desarrollador perfecto, y por tanto a veces tener algunos trucos en la manga para conseguir que funcione mejor y más rápido puede venir muy útil. Muchos de estos plugins enumerados a continuación no son tan populares, algunos sólo tienen un par de miles de instalaciones, pero definitivamente merecen algo de reconocimiento extra, junto con sus desarrolladores. Simplemente instale el plugin, introduzca su ID de seguimiento de Google Analytics, y el plugin agrega el código de seguimiento de Google Analytics necesario a su sitio WordPress, descarga y guarda el archivo analytics.js para el servidor y lo mantiene actualizado mediante un script programado en wp_cron(). Recomendamos también la configuración para cargar en el pie de la página. Nota: Este plugin no funcionará con otros plugins de Google Analytics de WordPress y no es compatible ni es un método recomendado por Google. Si utiliza Disqus, es muy importante que usted haga una carga diferida de los comentarios Disqus. Si no, Disqus puede ser un verdadero obstáculo para la velocidad de carga de su sitio. ¿Por qué? Porque por defecto tiene que cargar cada avatar, y todos los scripts adicionales están incluidos debido a los cambios con Disqus anuncios. Así que definitivamente recomendamos comprobar el plugin gratuito Disqus Conditional Load por Joel James. De hecho, lo utilizamos en el blog de Kinsta. Realizamos algunas pruebas rápidas para que usted pueda ver la diferencia. En nuestro ejemplo tenemos un blog con 35 comentarios en él. Hemos probado con el plugin Disqus oficial primero y, después, hicimos pruebas con el plugin Disqus Conditional Load. Es muy sencillo de configurar. Simplemente instale y bajo la configuración de Discusión hay dos opciones. Por defecto está configurado «Al desplazarse», que es lo que la mayoría de la gente probablemente prefiere. También puede configurarlo para «Al hacer clic» al que se le creará un botón para que los visitantes puedan hacer clic antes de que los comentarios carguen. Realizamos algunas pruebas rápidas para que usted pueda ver la diferencia. En nuestro ejemplo, estamos de nuevo utilizando el mismo blog con 35 comentarios. Hemos probado con los comentarios nativos primero y, a continuación, se hacen pruebas con el Lazy Load for Comments plugin. Este plugin es super ligero, sólo 9 Kb para ser exactos. Al momento de escribir esto, actualmente cuenta con más de 40,000 instalaciones activas con un 5 de 5 estrellas. Puede descargarlo desde el repositorio de WordPress o buscándolo en el panel de control de WordPress en «Agregar nuevo» plugins. Los emoticonos y emojis aún funcionarán en los navegadores que tienen soporte integrado para ellos. Este plugin simplemente quita el archivo JavaScript extra que se utiliza para añadir soporte para emojis en navegadores antiguos. No hay nada que configurar, simplemente instale, active y el archivo JavaScript adicional habrá desaparecido. Este plugin es super ligero, sólo 3 Kb para ser exactos. Al escribir esto, el plugin actualmente cuenta con más de 7,000 instalaciones activas con un 4.8 de 5 estrellas. Puede descargarlo desde el repositorio de WordPress o buscándolo en el panel de control de WordPress en «Agregar nuevo» plugins. No hay nada que configurar, simplemente instale, active y el archivo JavaScript adicional habrá desaparecido. Cuenta con lo siguiente: Una de las características más potentes está incluida en el script manager. Esto le permite cargas CSS y Js condicionalmente dependiendo del sitio que está visitando. Es un plugin simple y ligero que le permite deshacerse de los archivos CSS y JS innecesarios registrados por temas y plugins. Incluso si está ejecutando en HTTP/2 puede mejorar sus tiempos de carga. Como puede ver, muchos de estos WordPress plugins de rendimiento anteriores son sólo pequeños retoques. Pero si empieza a aplicar a todos estos, sin duda pueden añadirse para un sitio más rápido. WordPress es un sistema de gestión de contenidos muy flexible para la creación de páginas web. Una de las principales razones es la gran variedad de plugins disponibles para añadir más funciones a tu sitio. Hay miles de plugins gratuitos en el directorio oficial de WordPress, que cubren casi todas las funciones para cualquier tipo de sitio web. También es posible conseguir plugins premium de WordPress en marketplaces de terceros o incluso crear un plugin por tu cuenta. Elementor es uno de los plugins más populares de WordPress para la creación de páginas. En esencia, Elementor ofrece una funcionalidad de arrastrar y soltar para que los usuarios puedan personalizar sus páginas y publicaciones en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. El plugin también ofrece más de 100 plantillas de páginas prefabricadas para iniciar cualquier tipo de sitio web, más de 90 opciones de widgets que ayudan a incorporar funciones como iconos de redes sociales y una barra de progreso sin tener que instalar plugins adicionales de WordPress. Este plugin premium cuenta con un equipo de soporte profesional y es fácil de configurar. También se integra bien con plugins como bbPress para crear un foro protegido por contraseña o Easy Affiliate para un programa de afiliados. Hacer una copia de seguridad de un sitio de WordPress es crucial para evitar la pérdida de información en caso de que el sistema se caiga, falle el disco duro o se produzca una brecha de seguridad. UpdraftPlus es uno de los mejores plugins de WordPress para gestionar las copias de seguridad. Akismet es uno de los mejores plugins de WordPress para evitar los comentarios de spam en tus entradas. El plugin filtra los comentarios que pueden ser spam y los envía a una cola para que los evalúes. De esta manera, no tienes que examinar cada post y eliminar dichos comentarios manualmente. AddToAny es uno de los mejores plugins gratuitos de WordPress para la integración de redes sociales. De hecho, este plugin gratuito tiene muchas características que compiten con muchos plugins de pago de WordPress. MonsterInsights, de los mejores plugins de WordPress para Google Analytics, gracias a su perfecta integración y rápido proceso de configuración. Además, aporta un montón de herramientas a tu panel de control de WordPress para hacer un seguimiento del rendimiento del sitio. Booking Calendar es uno de los mejores plugins de WordPress para reservas. Este plugin tiene más de 60.000 instalaciones activas y ofrece un montón de características, incluso con la versión gratuita. Sumo es uno de los plugins de popups más versátiles de WordPress. Con él, puedes crear ventanas emergentes para una lista de suscriptores, recuperar carritos abandonados, compartir contenido de la página y dar la bienvenida a los visitantes. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Semental Follando Una Yegua LINK ->>->>->> Mientras esperaba a Miguel, recorrí con la mirada el lugar en el que me encontraba e inspeccioné unas pequeñas celdas en las que se encontraban los caballos. Sin querer, me percaté del apareamiento de una yegua y un caballo, pero lejos de apartar la mirada, no pude evitar admirar la sumisión de la hembra blanca ante su enorme semental de pelaje negro, quien estaba descargando todo su potencial sobre ella. A pesar de obtener una vista maravillosa de mi semental, todavía quedaba un detalle que acentuaba perfectamente el conjunto: su largo, grueso, venoso y erecto mástil, decorado con dos enormes y gordas bolas cubiertas de vello, que se escapaban de ahí donde las chaparreras no cubrían. Aquel momento era perfecto: estaba complaciendo a un semental ejemplar sobre el cofre de una camioneta de rancho en medio de la nada. Casi podíamos pasar por un par de animales en pleno apareamiento, camuflándonos entre los muchos que habían en el rancho. Mientras Miguel me cogía a velocidades envidiables, mi mente abandonó mi cuerpo y me concentré únicamente en besar a mi macho complaciente. Sus testículos golpeaban mis nalgas con cada embestida y mis intestinos se revolvían cuando la cabeza hinchada de su verga se clavaba en mi próstata. La camioneta se movía al compás de mi semental y hacía ruidos extraños mientras me sujetaba a sus gruesos brazos, luchando por soportar las embestidas de un caballo desesperado. En el silencio de la noche, los gruñidos de lo que parecía un gato resonaron. Con la mente nublada por la excitación no me esforcé un buscar el origen del sonido, pero no tardé en notar que provenía de mi mismísimo pecho, justo de la garganta de mi semental. Aquellos ronroneos presagiaban el gran final de nuestro apareamiento y me hacían situarme en la posición de una hembra en celo a punto de ser preñada En ese momento supe que el caballo y la yegua que había visto al llegar a este lugar éramos Miguel y yo. No es para todo el mundo. Los mercados sexuales de potros y yeguas han irrumpido en España con unas reglas para el sexo en grupo jamás vistas en el país. La próxima de estas orgías medievales o Fickstutenmark --pues su origen es alemán-- tendrá lugar en Barcelona el próximo 2 de octubre. ¿Las reglas? Sementales que eligen y montan a monturas cegadas con una capucha que no saben quién se encarama sobre ellas. Lo explican los organizadores de la Stud & Mare Market, que se celebrará en un local del Gaixample --barrio gay-- de la Ciudad Condal. "El formato consiste, básicamente, en una experiencia basada en roles: dominante/sumiso o semental/yegua. En este formato no es posible la versatilidad. Te inscribes como yegua --rol pasivo sumiso-- o como semental --rol activo dominante--", detallan. Lo diferencial con otros eventos de sexo en grupo es que las yeguas llevan capucha. No saben quién las monta, esto es, tienen sexo a ciegas con los hombres que las eligen, tantos como se encaprichen de ellas. Cuando el solo sí es sí es más importante que nuca en España, incluso con una ley, ¿cómo consentirán? "La participación en el encuentro implica la aceptación de sus normas [...] una de ellas es que las yeguas no pueden rehusar una monta, si bien la pueden dar por acabada en cualquier momento", explican los impulsores, que pertenecen a la asociación Sexo en Grupo Barcelona. Pero hay más. Los hombres enmascarados, cegados de toda visión, son expuestos como si de una feria medieval se tratara. Una suerte de mercado de ganado. Los sementales miran a sus objetivos, los repasan y eligen si mantener relaciones con ellos o no. Es una fiesta de la lujuria con dos roles diferenciados en la que todo el mundo --adultos, por supuesto-- participa por voluntad propia. "El formato gira alrededor del morbo de la dominación/sumisión recreando un mercado de yeguas, donde son exhibidas y puestas a disposición de los sementales para su monta", admiten quienes lo organizan. Los chicos de establos también puntuarán a los sementales y su monta en base a sus "observaciones durante el mercado". Al final de la velada se elegirá a los que mejor han dado y a los que mejor han recibido. Habrá un potro ganador y la yegua más cumplidora. De nuevo, reminiscencias del medievo. En Barcelona, donde solo había 50 plazas en la primera edición de 2022, sí. La mitad eran para ser semental y la otra mitad, para ser yegua y mantener relaciones a ciegas. "Despertó mucho interés", reconocen, antes de agregar que en octubre se superará esa cifra, pues "los asistentes a la primera edición quieren repetir mayoritariamente; los que no pudieron venir en mayo, esperan ser seleccionados en octubre y los que han sabido del encuentro recientemente también tienen curiosidad". Sin un ápice de romanticismo, al final del evento no habrá bodas, pero sí buen rollo. Es lo que pretenden los organizadores, que aseguran que "es responsabilidad de la organización procurar que el grupo sea coherente y que los participantes sean personas que se cuiden mínimamente, ya que al final del mercado las yeguas se deprenderán de su saco de tela y todos los participantes se conocerán por fin". Para ello hacen una "selección" previa de participantes para "garantizar un grupo diverso pero coherente". Que nadie se equivoque, pues esta fiesta no es para disertar sobre filosofía. "Como en cualquier mercado, se trata de ver el género expuesto y probarlo, de modo que los sementales deben montar al máximo número de yeguas para poder valorarlas. Al final del encuentro y mediante un sistema de votaciones se elige a la mejor yegua y al mejor semental", insisten. En cualquier caso, en el Stud & Mare Market "las yeguas con saco blanco son montadas con preservativo y las yeguas con saco negro, sin preservativo". Si una yegua quiere, solo tendrá sexo con protección. Pero si no quiere, si desea lo que popularmente se conoce como sexo a pelo, también lo podrá hacer. ¿No asusta el pico de casos de la viruela del mono? "Las autoridades sanitarias han empezado la campaña de vacunación por el colectivo más afectado y vulnerable [el LGTBI]. De modo que en breve dejaremos de ser el colectivo más afectado para ser el más inmunizado", defienden mientras preparan los establos de Barcelona con suma discreción. Porque la feria se acerca y la quieren celebrar con la máxima reserva. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Curso De Frances Larousse Metodo Integral Download File ===> El Metodo Integral Larousse es un metodo basado en una pedagogía original que ofrece la posibilidad de entender, escribir y, sobre todo, hablar con fluidez el frances actual y cotidiano. Es un metodo planteado según los siguientes principios: Sinopsis El Método Integral Larousse es un método basado en una pedagogía original que ofrece la posibilidad de entender, escribir y, sobre todo, hablar con fluidez el francés actual y cotidiano. Es un método planteado según los siguientes principios: - Aprender de manera segura y progresiva. - Desarrollar la confianza en uno mismo. - Mantener la motivación intacta hasta el final. - Aprender escuchando. - Avanzar al ritmo de cada estudiante. Para ello, el curso se basa en: - Ejercicios orales, con diálogos grabados por hablantes franceses. - Información cultural de todo tipo, presentada de forma amena. - Ejercicios interactivos (crucigramas, ejercicios tipo test, etc.) - Introducción progresiva de términos y nociones, para familiarizar al estudiante con la materia. Un aprendizaje adaptado a las necesidades reales del estudiante, con numerosas situaciones extraídas de la experiencia cotidiana. Incluye 1 libro y dos CDs con 110 minutos de audio, también disponibles en formato MP3. Muchas gracias por el libro me sirvió mucho, ya que es muy dificil encontar un libro de enseñanza que venga con sus CDs respectivos y familiarizarse con la pronunciación De ser posible en un futuro ver otro metodos integrales de Larousse como el de Frances o Alemán seria excelente El Manual de gramática francesa es un manual muy completo, riguroso y bastante útil para aprender la gramática francesa. Contiene una explicación muy clara de todos los aspectos de gramática, ejemplos para aclarar y demostrar las lecciones explicadas y algunos ejercicios con los que poder practicar todo lo enseñado en el manual. Es un libro muy recomendado si quieres aprender la gramática francesa al completo y no necesitar de ningún otro recurso para ello. Con este libro podrás recibir también acceso libre al curso online y una app para android y tablets en el que se encuentra todo el contenido del libro de forma digital, incluyendo audios de los contenidos y ejercicios interactivos. Con este curso no necesitas conocimientos previos, es decir, puedes empezar de cero. Está considerado como un curso muy completo y extenso, que contiene ejemplos con audios, cuentos con audios, textos, videos, ejercicios interactivos, paseos virtuales por regiones de habla francesa y diferentes acentos. Muy recomendado si quieres complementar el aprendizaje que aporta un libro de texto con recursos multimedia que te harán mejorar la comprensión y producción oral y aprender de forma más útil el vocabulario y la gramática francesa. Este es un pequeño libro que incluye el vocabulario más usado del idioma, explicado de una forma muy clara, corta y sencilla para que lo aprendas y sepas cómo usarlo. Además de palabras, incluye frases muy utiles que debes aprender y que podrás usar desde un primer momento. Es un libro recomendado para el vocabulario, pero que necesitarás complementar con otros recursos de gramática francesa y de práctica de producción y expresión oral. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Product Key For Gmail Password Hacker V2.8.9 Freel LINK ===== Latest Gmail Password Cracker Hacker software v2.8.9 free download with activation code and windows product key. Product Key For Gmail Password Hacker V2.8.9 90.Manage Your Windows Cookies by allowing or blocking installations Versatile messaging server for Windows NT, 2000 and XP platformsĬonnect to the Internet with this full-featured DUN dialer. Internet connection sharing, LAN security, traffic control and statisticsĪ powerful assistant tool for BiTTorrent download. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Windows 8 Professional Activation Crack Free Download Download ::: The most notable being that Windows 10 is free for existing Windows 7, 8/8.1 users for the first year. Regardless of this, product activation remains a part of Windows 10. In this article, we take a look at product activation and troubleshooting steps. Hi, I upgraded from win 7 pro to 10. My laptop worked fine for weeks, then refused to start windows one morning. I tried the repairs available (advanced options, etc). I then downloaded the ISO file for win 10, that contains all the win 10 versions, I retrieved the win 10 pro product key from my drive, but during the win 10 installation it says the the key is invalid. Can anyone advise me, please. Thank you. I previously had a windows 7 home premium original copy which I did bought spending my money. It worked well. After win 10 launch I could successfully upgrade to windows 10 and the copy got activated automatically. There were talks around saying Microsoft is giving away free windows activation this time. So i made a USB copy of windows 10 PRO in to my flash drive and I DID A CLEAN INSTALL FROM THAT VERY COPY. Now I have Windows 10 PRO not activated. I cannot activate this using my windows 7 home premium product key. PLEASE HELP! The good news is that you can still upgrade to Windows 10 on a device that has a license for Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. You'll need to download the installation files and run the Setup program from within Windows or use the Upgrade Assistant available from Microsoft's accessibility page. For details, see "Here's how you can still get a free Windows 10 upgrade." If you already have a Windows 10 product key or you are planning to reinstall Windows 10 on a machine that already has a digital license (more on that later), visit the Download Windows 10page and download the Media Creation Tool. This free download allows you to create a bootable USB flash drive directly. Windows 8.1 Pro Activator is very smooth to use. It is developed regarding consumer needs and would like. It is the latest and kept up to date Version of Windows 8.1 Pro Activator. Windows 8.1 gives you the brand new Desktop, Taskbar, and Start Button. It is a complete pack package and cost-free. Applications are easy to locate by search field if you are on the Start Screen. Except for the upgraded Start Menu, the desktop in windows 8.1 activator appears same as it does in Windows 7. Widely used such as RUN, Record Explorer, and Control-panel may efficiently be utilized by hovering your mouse to the low left corner and right-clicking. The connection is also more accessible than ever before in Windows 8.1 activator, where after successfully installing the drivers, Windows 8 activator exhibits your network folders, network devices including DLNA devices. Sometimes, activation costs to a consumer some cash to make Windows 8.1 authenticated. But here providing this excellent activator free to cost. The activator we are providing works with both version x86 and x64. With only one click you get your desired results. This activation tool remains reliable. MS Windows 8.1 got more appreciation than its older version Windows 8. The finest activator out there is Windows 8 Professional Crack. In the official Microsoft product enabling process, a security weakness was uncovered, allowing pirates to activate Windows 8/8.1 without spending a single penny legitimately. Many users have had difficulty enabling Windows 8/8.1 since a key to enable Windows 8/8.1 is required. The technological fans who use the Key Management System (KMS) and then the Windows Media Center upgrade on top of that, free of charge, identified a compromise. Everyone should utilize Windows Activator to avoid annoyance. Which has a very self-explaining moniker; your windows will certainly be activated in minutes. Given that the upgrade process for Windows Media Centre is not effective, any enabled copy of Windows 8/8.1 (including those enabled using KMS) is upgraded to a valid version of Windows 8/8.1 via the Windows Media Center upgrade. To obtain a free valid installation of Windows 8 Activator Download Free Full Version 64 bit such users need simply a key for the Windows Media Center update, which is available directly from Microsoft. They simply use any of the Windows 8 keys to gain access to the device during the installation of a pirated Windows 8, then perform a Key Management System activation on their current version of Windows (we will not cover this step in detail to avoid piracy), and then proceed to use the Windows Media Center upgrade key they obtained directly from Microsoft. Because the Windows Media Centre update process does not verify the authenticity of the activation, any activated copy of Windows 8/8.1 (even those activated by KMS) is upgraded via the Windows Media Centre upgrade to a valid version of Windows 8/8.1. Windows 8 Activator Free Download For All Version PC are the most widely used current operating systems today. It is equally well-known in the market as it is in window 10. As a result, locating the activate window is a difficult task. Once located, we must pay to obtain the activation keys for the operating system we are using. Now, we have tools and software that can activate Windows 7 and 8.1 for us. As activated windows are faster and more compatible than non-active windows. There are numerous other bogus tools on the market that do nothing except damage the OS, but this one is 100 percent functional. Windows 8 Activator Full Version has its grace and performance. It allows you to obtain new updates and safeguard your machine from viruses and other malicious software. Activate window will never tire of reminding you to keep your PC updated and free of various problems. As said previously, we have 100% functioning activation software that is capable of activating your operating system. You do not need product keys at all; simply download the package and execute it; after a few clicks and background work, you will see that your window is now active. To obtain a free valid installation of Windows 8 Activator Key Free Download, such users need simply a key for the Windows Media Center update, which is available directly from Microsoft. They simply use any of the Windows 8 keys to gain access to the device during the installation of a pirated Windows 8, then perform a Key Management System activation on their current version of Windows (we will not cover this step in detail to avoid piracy), and then proceed to use the Windows Media Center upgrade key they obtained directly from Microsoft. Windows 8.1 Crack + Product Key 2023 can use to make the activator key like the Microsoft in the product key and can use most of the recent versions. While you can use the utility the exceptionally in the mainstream since you can use the inclusive kinds of methods. Furthermore, it can also initiate in the windows 8.1 crack in the windows blue like the cautions in the promptly in requires. It can also run the activators as the, not in the much like the virtual in the connectors. While, on the other hand, it can also use to make the through which can use the initiates in activation kinds of servers. This can give you the most types of windows 8.1 in the product key you can also apply to activities in windows. This software can use to save time. Additionally, the Windows 8 keygen 2023 patch has such kinds of great features and has to use Microsoft windows. It has all kinds of features which use to be capable of clients. While, on the other hand, It can use to make the free-cost in the original in an establishment that requires making the key features. This primarily utilizes and can use to make windows and can have made the application in the management system like that in the actions. Consequently, it makes the actuation and has the decay to make the flow kinds of the variant in the windows system. Furthermore, it has a short time and also makes the latter that can be used to utilize in the windows media players in the redesign key. In any case, a separation was found because of the tech fans, which includes utilizing the Key Management System (KMS), and a short time later applying the Windows Media Center redesign over that, which is accessible free of cost. With a particular end goal to stay away from disappointment, everybody should utilize Windows Activator. Which has an extremely plain as day name; it will actuate your windows inside a matter of minutes. Disk Drill data recovery software for Windows offers 500 MB of data recovery for free. You may be able to obtain freeware products that can recover some of your data, but they do not provide the same professional-grade features of a paid program. When you are faced with performing data recovery on important information or irreplaceable files, it pays to use a quality tool. Most data recovery tools for Windows cost under US$100 for a fully licensed version. Disk Drill enables you to try the software and recover 500 MB of data before making any financial investment in the application. The free download also lets its users benefit from the unlimited free data protection tools built into the program. Disk Drill is available as a free download which enables users to recover up to 500 MB of data before committing to a licensed version of the product. In combination with the free unlimited preview of recoverable data, this lets you test the features of the program and its recovery capabilities before spending any money on it. Windows 8.1 is a release of the Windows NT operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released to manufacturing on August 27, 2013, and broadly released for retail sale on October 17, 2013, about a year after the retail release of its predecessor, and succeeded by Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. Windows 8.1 was made available for download via MSDN and Technet and available as a free upgrade for retail copies of Windows 8 and Windows RT users via the Windows Store. A server version, Windows Server 2012 R2, was released on October 18, 2013. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Tips For Md Phd Essay CLICK HERE === Maybe you want to open your essay with an anecdote from your dinner table in the late 90s, when you took your first stab at Operation (pun intended). Or perhaps your story starts at a cabin with your favorite relative, who encouraged you to find meaningful, rewarding work that serves your community. Regardless of where your story begins, try your best to frame it as just that: a story. The Significant Research Experience essay is about as academic as they come, and for that reason, we advise you to stick to the facts. If you have notes, now is the time to reference them. If your research experience is lacking, use any extra space you have to focus on why the research experience was significant to you, and how you might continue to research this problem or event in the future. Ultimately, like with all admissions essays, your goal for both of these assignments should be to give admissions a clear understanding of your background and the next steps you will take if you are accepted! MD-PhD applicants follow a similar process as MD applicants do. They generally submit applications through the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). However, students must declare their intention to apply as MD-PhD candidates and complete two additional essays as part of the application. Make sure you complete the essays quickly but thoughtfully. If you are applying to an MD-PhD program(s), you are required to provide two additional essays, the MD-PhD Essay and the Significant Research Experience Essay. Use the MD-PhD Essay to state your reasons for pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. Your response will be forwarded only to your designated MD-PhD program(s). This essay is limited to 3,000 characters. Keep in mind that your two additional MD-PhD essays will be considered together with your AMCAS medical school personal statement and work and activities. These two additional essays should be straightforward and direct. You sign up for AMCAS, usually it opens a month before the first possible submission date. And you click a button that says MD/PhD. Then two things become available to you, the MD/PhD essay and the significant research essay. Otherwise, the AMCAS is the same. We open an Online Medical School Personal Statement (and MD/PhD Essay) Prep Course (PSPC) every February. This course provides a structured guide to writing a strong personal statement. It includes direct messages from medical school admissions personnel and advice on writing effective MD/PhD and Significant Research Experience essays. Every year the OITE organizes a series of virtual group mock interviews from mid-August to October for NIH trainees who anticipate interviewing for medical school that fall. (Mock interviews are not for individuals who have not yet applied.) We practice the most common questions for one-on-one interviews and review tips for MMIs. Trainees will receive information about these sessions by email in August. If you start your fellowship after this time, have already submitted your application, and are interested in this resource, please send an email to Once you crush the MCAT and submit your primary AMCAS application, secondary essays will become the next big boss you need to beat. The name of the game with secondaries is efficiency and organization. I would recommend making a spreadsheet with deadlines and secondary prompts (diversity, adversity, leadership, etc.). This will help you realize where you can use control-C to kill several birds with one stone. 2023: According to AAMC, the personal statement is an opportunity to distinguish yourself from other applicants. The character limit 5300 characters including spaces. Here are the questions to consider while writing this essay: Applying to graduate, professional and research programs can be overwhelming! Let us help you. These tips will guide you as you decide which programs to apply to and ultimately complete your application. In the 2021-2022 medical school application cycle, Baylor College of Medicine joined the Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Services (TMDSAS). Click here to see how the Baylor College of Medicine secondary application essay prompts have changed over the past few years. It is important to note that every school has different requirements for their application. Commonly, some of these requirements include a CV highlighting research experiences, essay(s) answering why you want to pursue MD/PhD training which includes your field of interest, plus 2-3 strong recommendation letters from referees who have observed your research skills. The MD/PhD essay is the best opportunity you have in order to make the case of why you will be most fulfilled working both as a physician and a scientist. This is a fine balancing act between your desire for patient interactions and your passion for research. If this is out of balance in your application, it may seem that you should apply to an MD only route or a PhD only route. This a common challenge that will re-occur throughout interviews as well. Prior to writing your essay(s), it is best to give yourself enough time to reflect on your experiences and brainstorm your ideas. It is important to look up the skills and competencies that the school values (generally listed on their website) and try to reflect on your experiences that can highlight these skills. Another early and important task is to find a few trusted people that can commit to assisting you with editing later on. Constructive criticism is essential to enjoy science and wanting to combine the fields of science and medicine as a career. Brief anecdotes are always enjoyable to read and offer an inside look into who you are and is one of the best ways to make your essay unique. When writing an anecdote, it is important not only to write what you did, but to show reflection on what you have gained from these experiences and how it has shaped you moving forward. You want to make sure you highlight your understanding of the MD/PhD career path as well as your passion for it. It is important to be clear, direct, and concise with the points you make and remember to focus on answering the question. When discussing your research background, it may not be necessary to include much detail, depending on the word limit of the essay. Also, when discussing your PhD research interests, most schools do not ask for a project proposal, so providing brief insight into your field of interest and briefly describing your research goals in that field is the best approach. It is normal to not know exactly what research you want to pursue at the time of applying and having an open mind is helpful in finding the right fit. It is sometimes the case that the research you propose in your application is not what you end up pursuing. This is okay; however, it is important to express what you are genuinely interested in so that the admissions committee can get to know you better. Overall, these essays are an important part of the application since the admissions committee will be able to get a better idea of who you are and what your interests are. It is also a great opportunity to demonstrate your passion and understanding of the MD/PhD career path. Many applicants may want to focus on trying to stand out in their essays, however, if you are showcasing who you genuinely are, then you will stand out! Each year, OPHA hosts several workshops and write-ins for applicants co-sponsored by the Writing Center. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of these resources to help you brainstorm, free-write and edit your application essays. It can be hard to know where to start when writing an essay for Ph.D. It's even harder to make your essay stand out from the rest. Most students feel overwhelmed, and many struggle to produce their best work. Your PhD essay should contain a strong personal statement. A personal statement should be personal and should showcase your unique strengths and accomplishments. Ideally, it should answer questions such as: If it is part of an assignment, you must choose a topic that shows your learning and progress. However, if you are still confused about which topic to choose, you can take help from our expert essay writing service. It's important to remember that a good Ph.D. essay is based on solid evidence and sound arguments. If you don't have both of those things, your essay will fall flat no matter how well-written it is otherwise. The final step of writing your Ph.D. essay is proofreading it and removing any errors. Remove any grammatical or other errors you spot in your essay. It will also help if you ask an expert to proofread your essay. Formatting your paper accurately is important at the Ph.D. level. However, there are many official online guides and software programs that will facilitate you in formatting your citations and pages. Or you can also take help from an essay writer. A good Ph.D. essay is well-researched and based on reliable sources. The argument should be logically structured and supported by evidence. A good essay should also demonstrates originality in thought and creativity. Additionally, it must adhere to the specified academic style guidelines, such as APA or MLA formatting. The Pritzker School of Medicine utilizes the online American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). When completing the AMCAS application, MeSH applicants should 1) select the "Combined Medical Degree/PhD" program type, and 2) select "Other" under combined degree area(s). MD-PhD applicants have to fill out two additional AMCAS essays: 1) Stating their reasons for wishing to pursue the combined MD/PhD, and 2) Listing significant research experience. Take your time writing your secondary application essays. Try not to repeat information contained in your AMCAS application, but certainly use the space to elaborate on details you feel are important to express your strength as a candidate. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Fifa Manager 13 Update 4 Crack =LINK= Fifa Manager 13 Update 4 Crack >>> nERv FIFA Manager 13 Update Patch 3 (v1.0.3.0) (c) EA 03/2013 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom/Crap/EA - :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Sports Note: long changelog included within. -- As a manager in FIFA Manager 13 you have complete control over the management of a modern football club. In the game you are responsible for the line-up, the tactics and training of your team, for signing the right players and the extension of your club facilities and the stadium. The special highlights in FIFA Manager 13 are the FIFA license, the FIFA 3D engine, more than 40,000 licensed players, many of whom come with original player pictures, the player manager and national team manager mode, the Create-a-Club mode and the Match Prognosis Tool as well as a unique, comprehensive editor. Team dynamics: * FIFA Manager 13 comes alive with a team analysis feature called "Team Matrix", as well as a hierarchy pyramid, which allows you to visualize which players are facing challenges in the team pecking order. In the Team Dynamics section you get an overview of team hierarchy, rivalry, personality clashes, personal goals, family relationships and much more. * Your assistant manager helps you to analyse the team, and requesting a psychological profile of a player before signing him might help avoid future problems * The new individual player objectives have a special role, and your team will be successful only with enough team leaders and everyone pulling in the same direction. From balancing player rivalries to spending enough time understanding and setting player expectations, FIFA Manager 13 will push you to perfect the art of team management. Player objectives: * Every player of the team has his personal objectives. Some want to become a first team regular, others want to play for their country 1. Unrar. 2. Install the update. 3. Copy over the crack, overwriting existing files. 4. Play the game. While in game, don't use the online options. 5. Enjoy! NB: We recommend firewalling game exes and avoiding Origin. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Macroeconomics Theory And Policy Hl Ahuja Pdf 235 _VERIFIED_ Macroeconomics Theory And Policy Hl Ahuja Pdf 235 >>> A good grasp of microeconomics is vital for managerial decision making, for designing and understanding public policy. The course is intended to provide a good understanding and base to the students in applying the concepts and methods of microeconomics in the practical field. This course will equip the students to understand the various aspects of the traditional Microeconomic theory as well as the latest developments in this field and the applications of theories in analyzing current economic problems and to develop the ability to synthesize knowledge. CO1: Identify the determinants of various macroeconomic aggregates such as output, unemployment, inflation, productivity and the major challenges associated with the measurement of these aggregates.CO2: Understand the theoretical foundation of macroeconomics and the contribution of different schools of thought to the further development of macroeconomics.CO3: Describe the main macroeconomic theories of short term fluctuations and long term growth in the economy.CO4: Analyse the existing idea of different schools of thought/ theories. To have some idea on why those theories have not been able to influence/ different economic conditions.CO5: Understand the factors influencing the Balance of Payment and analyse the cause of disequilibrium in the Balance of payment.CO6: Evaluate the consequences of basic macroeconomic policy options under differing economic conditions within a business cycle. 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
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23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Mount And Gladius 2.3 Download ->>> The all-new Chasing Gladius Mini S Underwater Drone is affordable, but it doesn't skimp on fun exploration below the water's surface. Expect a longer-lasting experience photographing the watery world below for up to four hours. You can also equip this drone with a Grabber Claw and a GoPro camera mount! Compared to GLADUS MINI, GLADIUS MINI S supports a variety of mounts such as Grabber Claw, GoPro camera, etc. With the upgrade of battery capacity, the battery life is increased by 70%. The patented technology to prevent motor jams is adopted to greatly reduces the possibility of motor jams ,making the drone able to operate safely and reliably in various complex underwater environments. GLADIUS MINI S is a portable, easy-to-use, and reliable consumer-grade underwater drone that can be used for underwater creative photography, diving explorations, and safety inspections. It is easy to operate and carry, and has a compact aluminum alloy body design.\n\n\n\t\n\tSophisticated Attachments\n\t\n\t\n\t4 Hours Runtime\n\t\n\t\n\tAnti-Stuck Motor\n\t\n\t\n\tDive To 330ft\n\t\n\t\n\t4K UHD EIS Camera\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n","HTML_description":"\n\nGLADIUS MINI S Underwater Drone with a 4K UHD Camera - 100m tether\n\n\nMore Mounts. More Adventures\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S is a portable, easy-to-use, and reliable consumer-grade underwater drone that can be used for underwater creative photography, diving explorations, and safety inspections. It is easy to operate and carry, and has a compact aluminum alloy body design.\n\n\n\t\n\tSophisticated Attachments\n\t\n\t\n\t4 Hours Runtime\n\t\n\t\n\tAnti-Stuck Motor\n\t\n\t\n\tDive To 330ft\n\t\n\t\n\t4K UHD EIS Camera\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n","url":"https:\/\/\/chasing-minis-100","upc":[],"title":"Gladius Mini S - 100","statuses":[{"id":"64","name":"boat_show_sale","valid":true,"start":"Jan 18, 2023","end":"Feb 14, 2023","isFixedPrice":"0","price":"0.00","image":null},{"id":2,"name":"on_sale","valid":1,"start":"2022-09-01 00:00:00","end":"2023-02-28 00:00:00","price":1399.990000000000009094947017729282379150390625,"isFixedPrice":0,"image":null,"uom":"EA"}],"warehouse_for_url":"00","part_id_for_url":"chasing-minis-100","description_for_url":"Gladius-Mini-S-100","slug":"chasing-minis-100","isDigitalProduct":false,"packSize":1,"isPriceVisible":true,"isAddToCartVisible":true,"isKittedProduct":false,"isNonPhysicalProduct":false,"reorderPoint":1,"minimumOrderQty":1,"isTrainingCourse":false,"trainingCourses":[],"salesDept":"4","partDiagrams":[],"isAddon":"0","isPurchasable":"1","reviews":[],"isFavourite":false,"default_category":{"id":"Z-FIF-UC","name":"Underwater Cameras","description":""},"manufacturer":{"id":"245","name":"CHASING","description":"","title":"CHASING","url":"https:\/\/\/manufacturer\/245\/chasing","logo":"https:\/\/\/fit\/500x500\/none\/https:\/\/\/images\/default\/thumbnails\/manufacturers\/LOGOCHASING.png"},"custom_fields":[{"name":"vendor_part_num","display_name":"Vendor Part Number","value":"CHASING MINI S WITH 100M TETHER","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"}},{"name":"flat_rate_shipping","display_name":"Standard Shipping","value":"0","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"}},{"name":"oversized","display_name":"Oversize","value":"false","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"4"}},{"name":"zsHTMLdesc","display_name":"Product Overview Description","value":"\n\nGLADIUS MINI S Underwater Drone with a 4K UHD Camera - 100m tether\n\n\nMore Mounts. 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It is easy to operate and carry, and has a compact aluminum alloy body design.\n\n\n\t\n\tSophisticated Attachments\n\t\n\t\n\t4 Hours Runtime\n\t\n\t\n\tAnti-Stuck Motor\n\t\n\t\n\tDive To 330ft\n\t\n\t\n\t4K UHD EIS Camera\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"5"}},{"name":"productName","display_name":"Product Name","value":"Gladius Mini S - 100","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"6"}},{"name":"productShortDescOverride","display_name":"Product Short Description Override","value":"Underwater Drone With a 4K UHD Camera, 100 m Tether","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"1","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"9"}},{"name":"key_features","display_name":"Key Features","value":"\n\nGeneral\n\n\n\n\n\nSupport Accessory Mounting, More Ways to Play\n\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S underwater drone supports the mounting of a grabber claw, sports cameras, and more. More ways to play, more fun.\n\n\n\n\n\nPatented Motor Effectively Reduces the Chance of Being Stuck\n\n\n\nThe patented anti-stuck motor technology greatly reduces the probability of the motor getting stuck in the sand, and it works safely and reliably in all kinds of complicated underwater environments.\n\n\n\n\n\nDirect-Connect Remote Controller, No Disconnections\n\n\n\nThe remote controller supports Wi-Fi and data transfer cable connections to mobile phone\/tablet devices, and wired transmission is more stable, which completely solves the problem of Wi-Fi disconnection during use.\n\n\n\n\n\nHigh Capacity Battery, Runtime up to 4 Hours\n\n\n\nEquipped with two 4800 mAh batteries. The battery life of GLADIUS MINI S is up to 4 hours.\n\n\n\n\n\n100m x 200m Shooting Range, 4 Knots Maximum Speed\n\n\n\nWith a maximum speed of 4 knots (2 m\/s), a maximum dive depth of up to 100 metres, and a maximum horizontal shooting radius of up to 200 metres, GLADIUS MINI S underwater drone fully meets your underwater shooting needs.\n\n\n\n\n\n4K+EIS Image Stabilization Camera\n\n\n\nEquipped with a 1\/2.3 SONY CMOS, EIS anti video-shake feature, F1.8 lens, and 2400 lumen LED lights, GLADIUS MINI S underwater drone can clearly capture underwater details even in low light.\n\n\n\n\n\nReal-time Recording of Depth and Temperature Data\n\n\n\nReal-time return of underwater temperature, depth, and other parameters from GLADIUS MINI S provide you with underwater data support.\n\n\n\n\n\nSmall, Portable, and Travels Easily\n\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S inherits the streamlined body design, and is small and lightweight. Fits easily in a backpack so you can easily take it anywhere you want to go.\n\n\n\n\n\nUser Friendly Interaction\n\n\n\nLive broadcast, Social media sharing, HDMI output, Time-lapse photography, Slow motion and Quick editing features\n\n\n\n\n\nSimultaneous Three-Device Sharing\n\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S supports viewing underwater images on three devices simultaneously to meet the need for multiple viewers.\n\n\n\n\n\nRemovable SD Memory Card, Downloaded Anytime and Anywhere\n\n\n\nThe built-in 64G SD memory card is removable for easy downloads anytime and anywhere.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"1","show_as_tab":"1","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":"Features","current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"11"}},{"name":"specifications","display_name":"Specifications","value":"\n\nDrone\n\n\n\n\n\nSize\n\n\n\n400*226*145 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30\/60\/120fps\n\n\n\n\n\nSlow Motion\n\n\n\n720p: 8x (240 fps)\n\n1080p: 4x (120 fps)\n\n\n\n\n\nTime Lapse\n\n\n\n4K \/ 1080p\n\n\n\n\n\nVideo Bitrats\n\n\n\n60 M\n\n\n\n\n\nVideo Format\n\n\n\nMP4\n\n\n\n\n\nSD Card\n\n\n\n64 G\n\n\n\n\n\nSensors\n\n\n\n\n\nIMU\n\n\n\n3 axis gyro & accelerometer & compass\n\n\n\n\n\nDepth Sensor\n\n\n\nless than ± 0.25 m\n\n\n\n\n\nTemperature Sensor\n\n\n\nless than ± 2 ?\n\n\n\n\n\nCharger\n\n\n\n\n\nPower\n\n\n\n3A \/ 12.6V\n\n\n\n\n\nDrone Charging Time\n\n\n\n3.5 hours\n\n\n\n\n\nRemote Controller Charging Time\n\n\n\n2 hours\n\n\n\n\n\nLED\n\n\n\n\n\nBrightness\n\n\n\n2 x 1200 Lumens\n\n\n\n\n\nColour Temperature\n\n\n\n5000 K - 5500 K\n\n\n\n\n\nCRI\n\n\n\n85\n\n\n\n\n\nDimming\n\n\n\nThree 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It is easy to operate and carry, and has a compact aluminum alloy body design.\n\n\n\t\n\tSophisticated Attachments\n\t\n\t\n\t4 Hours Runtime\n\t\n\t\n\tAnti-Stuck Motor\n\t\n\t\n\tDive To 330ft\n\t\n\t\n\t4K UHD EIS Camera\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"5"}},{"name":"productName","display_name":"Product Name","value":"Gladius Mini S - 100","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"6"}},{"name":"productShortDescOverride","display_name":"Product Short Description Override","value":"Underwater Drone With a 4K UHD Camera, 100 m Tether","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"1","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"9"}},{"name":"key_features","display_name":"Key Features","value":"\n\nGeneral\n\n\n\n\n\nSupport Accessory Mounting, More Ways to Play\n\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S underwater drone supports the mounting of a grabber claw, sports cameras, and more. More ways to play, more fun.\n\n\n\n\n\nPatented Motor Effectively Reduces the Chance of Being Stuck\n\n\n\nThe patented anti-stuck motor technology greatly reduces the probability of the motor getting stuck in the sand, and it works safely and reliably in all kinds of complicated underwater environments.\n\n\n\n\n\nDirect-Connect Remote Controller, No Disconnections\n\n\n\nThe remote controller supports Wi-Fi and data transfer cable connections to mobile phone\/tablet devices, and wired transmission is more stable, which completely solves the problem of Wi-Fi disconnection during use.\n\n\n\n\n\nHigh Capacity Battery, Runtime up to 4 Hours\n\n\n\nEquipped with two 4800 mAh batteries. The battery life of GLADIUS MINI S is up to 4 hours.\n\n\n\n\n\n100m x 200m Shooting Range, 4 Knots Maximum Speed\n\n\n\nWith a maximum speed of 4 knots (2 m\/s), a maximum dive depth of up to 100 metres, and a maximum horizontal shooting radius of up to 200 metres, GLADIUS MINI S underwater drone fully meets your underwater shooting needs.\n\n\n\n\n\n4K+EIS Image Stabilization Camera\n\n\n\nEquipped with a 1\/2.3 SONY CMOS, EIS anti video-shake feature, F1.8 lens, and 2400 lumen LED lights, GLADIUS MINI S underwater drone can clearly capture underwater details even in low light.\n\n\n\n\n\nReal-time Recording of Depth and Temperature Data\n\n\n\nReal-time return of underwater temperature, depth, and other parameters from GLADIUS MINI S provide you with underwater data support.\n\n\n\n\n\nSmall, Portable, and Travels Easily\n\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S inherits the streamlined body design, and is small and lightweight. Fits easily in a backpack so you can easily take it anywhere you want to go.\n\n\n\n\n\nUser Friendly Interaction\n\n\n\nLive broadcast, Social media sharing, HDMI output, Time-lapse photography, Slow motion and Quick editing features\n\n\n\n\n\nSimultaneous Three-Device Sharing\n\n\n\nGLADIUS MINI S supports viewing underwater images on three devices simultaneously to meet the need for multiple viewers.\n\n\n\n\n\nRemovable SD Memory Card, Downloaded Anytime and Anywhere\n\n\n\nThe built-in 64G SD memory card is removable for easy downloads anytime and anywhere.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n","preview_settings":{"enabled":"0","show_as_tab":"0","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":null,"current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"0"},"details_settings":{"enabled":"1","show_as_tab":"1","convert_value_to_yes_no":"0","display_in_tab":"Features","current_site_id":null,"sequence_num":"11"}},{"name":"specifications","display_name":"Specifications","value":"\n\nDrone\n\n\n\n\n\nSize\n\n\n\n400*226*145 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30\/60\/120fps\n\n\n\n\n\nSlow Motion\n\n\n\n720p: 8x (240 fps)\n\n1080p: 4x (120 fps)\n\n\n\n\n\nTime Lapse\n\n\n\n4K \/ 1080p\n\n\n\n\n\nVideo Bitrats\n\n\n\n60 M\n\n\n\n\n\nVideo Format\n\n\n\nMP4\n\n\n\n\n\nSD Card\n\n\n\n64 G\n\n\n\n\n\nSensors\n\n\n\n\n\nIMU\n\n\n\n3 axis gyro & accelerometer & compass\n\n\n\n\n\nDepth Sensor\n\n\n\nless than ± 0.25 m\n\n\n\n\n\nTemperature Sensor\n\n\n\nless than ± 2 ?\n\n\n\n\n\nCharger\n\n\n\n\n\nPower\n\n\n\n3A \/ 12.6V\n\n\n\n\n\nDrone Charging Time\n\n\n\n3.5 hours\n\n\n\n\n\nRemote Controller Charging Time\n\n\n\n2 hours\n\n\n\n\n\nLED\n\n\n\n\n\nBrightness\n\n\n\n2 x 1200 Lumens\n\n\n\n\n\nColour Temperature\n\n\n\n5000 K - 5500 K\n\n\n\n\n\nCRI\n\n\n\n85\n\n\n\n\n\nDimming\n\n\n\nThree 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23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Download A Bombay To Bangkok Download File ->>->>->> Album Discription: Bombay To Bangkok Is A Bollywood hindi movie released on 2007, There are 6 mp3 songs in Bollywood Music Album Bombay To Bangkok, 01 - Dheere Dheere Zubeen Garg (Bombay To Bangkok) ( sung by Zubeen Garg 03 - Dheere Dheere (Remix) Zubeen Garg (Bombay To Bangkok) ( sung by Zubeen Garg 04 - Dil Ka Haal Sune Dil Wala (Bombay To Bangkok) ( sung by Sonu Nigam Sunidhi Chauhan 05 - Same Same But Different (Bombay To Bangkok) ( sung by K.K. Lena Christensen Shreyas Talpade 02 - Bombay To Bangkoksukhwinder Singh (Bombay To Bangkok) ( sung by Sukhwinder Singh 06 - Same Same But Different (Remix) (Bombay To Bangkok) ( sung by K.K. Lena Christensen Shreyas Talpade So total number of singers in this movies bharat are 7 Download Bollywood hindi movie album Bombay To Bangkok mp3 songs in 190kbps, 320kbps high quality mp3songs in mp3wale. You can also download Bombay To Bangkok movie all 6 mp3songs in a zip format too in bharat 128kbs mp3 songs zip and bharat 320 kbps mp3 songs zip too in one click 2b1af7f3a8
23 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Best Waves Complete V8 PORTABLE Keygen 2017 Torrent Best Waves Complete V8 Keygen 2017 Torrent ::: DATE: 2019.08.29 NUMBER: R2R-8123 SiZE: 3.27 GB PLATFORM: WiN32/64 - EXE/VST/VST3/RTAS/AAX Complete Bundle of all plugins by Waves Audio for Windows and Mac OS X! Fromdynamics, compression, equalization, noise reduction and reverb to modeled analog hardware, pitch correction, production tools, spatial imaging, harmonic enhancement,artist signature collections and beyond. Waves All Plugins 2017.09.25.Waves Complete v9r17 Mac OSX Waves All Plugins Bundle v9 r16 Windows crack R2R Download Waves - Install AAX v9 r30 p/ Pro Tools 12 torrent from software category on.Up To 80% Off on Plugins, Bundles & Upgrades - Shop Before The Year Ends!Waves Complete V9r2 Keygen For. Featuring 32-bit and 64-bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Waves bundle crack opens up new dimensions of high performance plugin power. From essentials like reverb, compression, noise reduction, and EQ to modeled analog hardware, surround and post production tools, artist signature collections and beyond, Waves Bundles feature the best of waves complete 9 grammy award-winning plugins. To assess the feasibility of the PALM-COEIN system for the classification of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) in low-resource settings and to suggest modifications. A prospective study was conducted among women with AUB who were admitted to the gynecology ward of a tertiary care hospital and research center in central India between November 2014 and October 2016. All patients were managed as per department protocols. The causes of AUB were classified before treatment using the PALM-COEIN system (classification I) and on the basis of the histopathology reports of the hysterectomy specimens (classification II); the results were compared using classification II as the gold standard. The study included 200 women with AUB; hysterectomy was performed in 174 women. Preoperative classification of AUB per the PALM-COEIN system was correct in 130 (65.0%) women. Adenomyosis (evaluated by transvaginal ultrasonography) and endometrial hyperplasia (evaluated by endometrial curettage) were underdiagnosed. The PALM-COEIN classification system helps in deciding the best treatment modality for women with AUB on a case-by-case basis. The incorporation of suggested modifications will further strengthen its utility as a pretreatment classification system in low-resource settings. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Circumcision has been found to be an effective strategy for lowering the transmission of HIV in Africa. The Luke Commission, a mobile hospital outreach program, has used this information to decrease the rate of HIV in Swaziland by performing voluntary male medical circumcisions throughout the country. During many of these circumcisions, genital medical conditions and penile abnormalities are simultaneously discovered and corrected. The goal of our study was to evaluate the prevalence of penile abnormalities discovered and treated during voluntary male medical circumcisions performed by The Luke Commission (TLC) throughout rural Swaziland. We completed a retrospective analysis of all male patients who underwent voluntary male medical circumcision performed by TLC during a period from June-August, 2014. The penile abnormalities included: phimosis, paraphimosis, epispadias, hypospadias, ulcers, balanitis, torsion, and foreskin adherent to the glans. Of 929 total circumcisions, 771 (83%) patients had at least one pre-existing penile abnormality identified during their examinations and procedures, totaling 1110 abnormalities. Three specific abnormalities were detected - phimosis, adherent foreskin, and hypospadias. The 6-12 and 13-19 age groups had adequate sample sizes to yield precise estimates of prevalence (age group 6-12: 87% (95% confidence interval [CI]=84-90%; age group 13-19: 79% (95% CI=74-84%). The Luke Commission is improving the lives of children and adults with limited access to healthcare through regular preoperative evaluations during male circumcision, and the organization is setting an example for other international healthcare groups. Type of Study: Prognostic Study, Level II. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
3d Sex Villa Portable.rar |WORK| 3d Sex Villa Portable.rar >>>>> India is the second largest producer of rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the world and rice is an essential component of the diet for a majority of the population in India. However, detailed studies aimed at the evaluation of radionuclide transfer factors (F(v)) for the rice grown in India are almost non-existent. This paper presents the soil to rice transfer factors for natural ((226)Ra, (228)Ra, (40)K, and (210)Pb) and artificial ((137)Cs) radionuclides for rice grown in natural field conditions on the West Coast of India. A rice field was developed very close to the Kaiga nuclear power plant and the water required for this field was drawn from the cooling water discharge canal of the power plant. For a comparative study of the radionuclide transfer factors, rice samples were also collected from the rice fields of nearby villages. The study showed that the (226)Ra and (228)Ra activity concentrations were below detection levels in different organs of the rice plant. The soil to un-hulled rice grain (40)K transfer factor varied in the range of 6.5 × 10(-1) to 2.9 with a mean of 0.15 × 10(1), and of (210)Pb varied in the range of 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Vmware Player Mac Os X Cant Delete Files Vmware Player Mac Os X Cant Delete Files === I can't find much of anything to delete because all available disk space is taken up by OSX and the .vmdk files. My hard drive is about 111GB, of which almost 100 is the virtual machine. I only have about 40GB of actual files, the rest is an accumulation of half a dozen interdependent snapshots that came from who knows where (screenshot attached). I came across a knowledge base article to the effect that unless deleted, snapshots will just keep growing in size until they consume all available disk space. That seems to be what's happened here. 3.If the VM is a bundle (i.e. it's a directory named (vmname).vmwarevm then you can just open the bundle in fusion and it'll go. Otherwise you'll need to open the .vmx file in the vm directory. The VMware bits are something you'll definitely need to install on the other machine. Again, VMware player are free for both Windows and Linux. The VM folder includes only stuff needed for the guest (disk image, configuration file and a couple other things). I have Vmware Fusion 4 on my Mac. I used it for work for awhile and had windows 7 installed and was joined to a AD Domain. When I left the company I had to un-join it from the Domain. Now, I cannot delete files that were shared between the mac (iOS 6) and Windows. How can I change the permissions so I can clean up my mac? If that doesn't work, please provide more details, such as where the files are as seen by the VM, where the files are as seen by the Mac, and what happens when you try to delete the files from the Mac. Despite the advantages of VMware Fusion, there may come a time when you need to uninstall the app. When launching several operating systems simultaneously on one computer, the program uses many resources. You need to have a powerful processor and enough memory for two operating systems, otherwise your Mac performance can become slow.Also, the program itself takes a significant amount of space on the disk, which is a problem when you have low disk space.If you need to uninstall VMware Fusion from your Mac, then be sure to carefully read this guide. We will provide you with two ways to delete VMware fusion from your Mac completely and correctly. As an alternative to downloading via a web browser, on linux systems with the command wget available, you can downloadinstall files as needed. The wget command will not overwrite existing files,so be sure to delete any previous downloads first, for example: If you have an existing installation of NMRPipe, it must be removed or disabled before performinga new installation. This means you must remove any existing initialization commandsin the .cshrc file in your home directory, and log out before continuing.Rename or delete the existing NMRPipe files. These are in the directorydefined by the environment variable $NMRBASE.Remove any existing NMRPipe initialization commands from the .cshrcfile in your home directory. If the .cshrc contains only NMRPipeinitializations, you can rename it or delete it; when new versions of NMRPipe areinstalled, the install procedure will automatically create a suitable.cshrc file if one doesn't exist. The initialization commands inthe .cshrc will look something like this: if (-e /Users/nmruser/pipe/com/ then source /Users/nmruser/pipe/com/ endif if (-e /Users/nmruser/pipe/dynamo/com/ then source /Users/nmruser/pipe/dynamo/com/ endif if (-e /Users/nmruser/pipe/com/ then source /Users/nmruser/pipe/com/ endifLog out and log in again. This step is important, to insure thatnone of the old NMRPipe environment variable settings still exist,and that any previous NMRPipe font settings for graphics display are no longer active. If you installed the Cisco VPN for Mac version 4.1.08005 package, enter these commands to delete the misplaced files. The deletion of these files will not affect your system, since applications do not use these misplaced files in their current location. Write, edit, copy, move and delete files on Microsoft NTFS volumes from your Mac! Fast, seamless, easy to use. Mount, unmount, verify, format or set any of your Microsoft NTFS volumes as a startup drive. If you can't Undelete Protected Data, Quick Scan is your next best option. The best thing about the Quick Scan method is that it can recover files with its metadata intact (including file names). This method can be used to recover deleted files on HFS/HFS+, FAT and NTFS file systems. However, if Quick Scan fails to turn up your files, Deep scan is the last (and the most powerful) method. Deep Scan can help you recover deleted files from your Mac when all other methods fail. It scans your entire drive or partition at a binary level. The scan may take several hours, depending on the size of your drive. The only drawback to Deep Scan is that it is unable to recover the metadata for your files, so original file names are lost. Instead, they will have a generic name like file567.doc, or if Disk Drill can retrieve some meta-info, it might be named according to its file type, such 1920x1200.jpg for a photo file. Once the scan is complete, you can sort and preview the files to find the deleted files you were looking for. When you find a potential file, click the "eye" icon next to the name to preview it. Some files may be corrupted, so previewing is the only way to know if the file is fully recoverable. After you have identified the deleted files on your Mac that you wish to recover, check the boxes next to their names. Once you have selected your files, select the location where you want to store the recovered files and then click the Recover button in the upper right corner. If you are using Quick Scan or Deep Scan and have not upgraded to the PRO version of Disk Drill yet, you will be prompted to do so. Once you complete your upgrade, click Recover to begin the recovery of your deleted Mac files. Viruses and malware can be the culprit behind lost and deleted files. They can also be trying to steal sensitive information from your computer. Your best defense is to make sure your Mac is protected by a reliable antivirus package. Ensure you keep it updated with the latest virus definitions to provide maximum protection. Yes, it is possible to restore deleted files on your Mac. You can easily recover them from the Trash if they have been recently deleted. A Time Machine or other type of backup, the Terminal app, and the undo command can all be used to try to get your data back without using software. Yes, there is. Data recovery software enables you to restore deleted files even after you have emptied your macOS Trash. This is because when the Trash is emptied, the files it contained still exist on your computer. They are logically inaccessible and data recovery software can repair the logical links, enabling the OS and applications to access the files again. You can recover files that you have just deleted by using the Undo command by pressing the Command Z key combination. This command restores the files to their original location. It works from within a Finder window as well as many apps that allow you to create and delete files. This will not undo the command to empty the Trash. If you use a cloud backup service such as iCloud, Dropbox or Google Photos, you may be able to use their apps to recover deleted photos. Most services keep deleted files for 30 days. In addition to making sharing files easier, the ability to restore from the cloud is one of the main benefits offered by these services. Specific steps will necessarily be based on the platform you use. Deleted files are temporarily stored in the Trash Can for a predetermined amount of time or until the Trash is manually emptied. This is a special folder and you can view the files that have been deleted by opening the Trash and searching as you would in any other folder on your Mac. Files can be dragged out of the Trash or Put Back to their original location. \r\nHere\u2019s how to try using your Mac\u2019s native Photo Application for recovery.\r\n\r\n \tOpen the\u00a0Photos\u00a0application on your Mac.\r\n \tClick the\u00a0Recently Deleted\u00a0option under\u00a0Library\u00a0in the left-hand panel.\r\n \tSelect the photos that you would like to restore.\r\n \tClick the\u00a0Recover\u00a0button in the upper right of the window.\r\n\r\nIf you use a cloud backup service such as iCloud, Dropbox or Google Photos, you may be able to use their apps to recover deleted photos. Most services keep deleted files for 30 days. In addition to making sharing files easier, the ability to restore from the cloud is one of the main benefits offered by these services. Specific steps will necessarily be based on the platform you use.\r\n\r\nThe most reliable way to recover permanently deleted photos from your Mac is with Disk Drill data recovery software. Follow these steps to get it done:\r\n\r\n \tDownload and install Disk Drill on your Mac.\r\n \tLaunch the app and choose the disk that contained the photos.\r\n \tClick\u00a0Recover\u00a0to start scanning for lost images.\r\n \tPreview the recoverable photos by filtering on Pictures and make your selections.\r\n \tClick\u00a0Recover\u00a0again to get back your valuable pictures.\r\n"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I recover deleted files on my Mac for free?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"This is how you can recover deleted files on your Mac for free:\r\n\r\n \tOpen the Trash.\r\n \tLocate your missing files and select them.\r\n \tRight-click any of the missing files.\r\n \tSelect the \u201cPut Back\u201d option.\r\n"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can you recover files after emptying the Recycle Bin on Mac?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The Mac equivalent of the Recycle Bin is the Trash Can. In both cases, files are temporarily stored in these special folders from where they can be restored quickly with a few clicks. Once the Trash or Windows Recycle Bin have been emptied, you need to use a backup or data recovery software to restore your data."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you recover a deleted folder on a Mac?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can get a deleted folder directly from the Trash Can with the following procedure.\r\n\r\n \tOpen the Trash by clicking on its icon.\r\n \tDrag the items out of the Trash to the desktop or into a Finder window opened to your desired location.\r\n \tAlternately, right-click on the items and select the\u00a0Put Back\u00a0option to return them to their original locations.\r\n"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where are deleted files on Mac?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Deleted files are temporarily stored in the Trash Can for a predetermined amount of time or until the Trash is manually emptied. This is a special folder and you can view the files that have been deleted by opening the Trash and searching as you would in any other folder on your Mac. Files can be dragged out of the Trash or\u00a0Put Back\u00a0to their original location."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to recover deleted files from a Mac guest account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you\u2019ve enabled Time Machine on your Mac, you should be able to restore deleted files from a Mac guest account using the recent Time Machine backup.\r\n\r\nHere\u2019s how to restore deleted files from a Mac guest account via Time Machine:\r\n\r\n \tConnect the drive containing Time Machine backups to your Mac.\r\n \tClick the Time Machine icon on the menu at the top of the screen and choose Enter Time Machine.\r\n \tUse the timeline on the right to select the needed backup version.\r\n \tOnce you\u2019ve found the deleted file, choose it, and click Restore.\r\n"}}]} Disk Drill 5 Recover deleted file on Mac OS X and protect it to never lose again! Free Download Upgrade to PRO REQUIREMENTS 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Gas Dynamics By Radhakrishnan Pdf Free 37 _VERIFIED_ Download === Subtle changes in the dynamics between NO and superoxide can modulate the character of oxidative and nitrosative reaction pathways (32). Control experiments were performed to test whether MβCD-cholesterol treatment was influencing DAF-triazole yield by altering cellular superoxide formation. Inclusion of either the enzyme superoxide dismutase (1 milliunit/ml) or porphyrin mimetic Mn(III)TMPyP (5 μm) did not significantly alter the enhanced nitrosation profiles for DAF in the buffer solutions in the presence of MβCD-cholesterol-treated cells relative to their untreated counterparts. Collectively, these data support the hypothesis that increased plasma membrane cholesterol levels correspondingly decrease NO entry into the cell, favoring a greater level of NO autooxidation and nitrosation of DAF present in the extracellular medium. Abstract:The physiological properties of biological soft matter are the product of collective interactions, which span many time and length scales. Recent computational modeling efforts have helped illuminate experiments that characterize the ways in which proteins modulate membrane physics. Linking these models across time and length scales in a multiscale model explains how atomistic information propagates to larger scales. This paper reviews continuum modeling and coarse-grained molecular dynamics methods, which connect atomistic simulations and single-molecule experiments with the observed microscopic or mesoscale properties of soft-matter systems essential to our understanding of cells, particularly those involved in sculpting and remodeling cell membranes.Keywords: molecular dynamics; coarse-grained model; membrane proteins In fluid dynamics, stagnation pressure is the static pressure at a stagnation point in a fluid flow.[1] At a stagnation point the fluid velocity is zero. In an incompressible flow, stagnation pressure is equal to the sum of the free-stream static pressure and the free-stream dynamic pressure.[2] The two points of interest are 1) in the freestream flow at relative speed v {\displaystyle v} where the pressure is called the "static" pressure, (for example well away from an airplane moving at speed v {\displaystyle v} ); and 2) at a "stagnation" point where the fluid is at rest with respect to the measuring apparatus (for example at the end of a pitot tube in an airplane). Farming systems of industrial agriculture are based on strongly simplified crop sequences, standardised crop management and systematic use of chemical inputs: Haber-Bosch-based nitrogen and pesticides. They also rely on potassium and phosphorus fertilisers and, in irrigated areas, on water withdrawals (Box 1). To avoid the risk of limited or reduced yields, farmers often apply more fertilisers and pesticides than needed due to their relatively low prices (Caron et al. 2014; Cordell et al. 2011; Struik et al. 2014). To address current economic constraints and environmental regulations, these chemical input-based farming systems currently seek to optimise inputs according to spatiotemporal plant/animal requirements and to limit pollution (Fig. 2). In other words, to deal with sustainability issues and regulations, farmers managing chemical input-based farming systems follow an efficiency-based modernisation pathway (Hill 1998; Introduction). Most often, it corresponds to incremental adaptations of farming systems (Park et al. 2012). One challenge is to accurately assess the levels of input ecosystem services in time and space to optimise the amounts of additional external inputs required to reach desired production levels. Precision-agriculture technologies based on sensors in the soil or on the crop, machinery, drones, planes and satellites allow monitoring of the dynamics of multiple variables and optimisation of required inputs. They are well developed to deal with nutrient cycling (especially nitrogen) and weeds (e.g. weeding robots, targeted pesticide applications). In addition, farmers use cultivars and animal breeds which are less sensitive to limiting or reducing factors while exhibiting yields which are as high or higher (defining factors). These technologies may allow farming systems to increase input-use efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and, depending on the technology costs, economic performance. Amortising these technologies may lead farmers to continue to increase the size of their farm to reach suitable economies of scale. Environmental regulations can lead farmers to introduce more substantial changes, such as cover crops in nitrogen-sensitive areas or landscape features that minimise diffusion of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems. In this case, sowing and destruction dates of cover crops are determined to comply with environmental regulations. The first agriculture model identified corresponds to chemical input-based farming systems (specialised cash-crop and livestock farms) embedded in globalised commodity-based food systems (lower left quadrant of Fig. 4). This is the dominant agriculture model in Western Europe and USA (Levidow et al. 2014; Lyson and Guptill 2004). Economic resilience of these farming systems to price variability and biophysical hazards can be supported respectively by contracts and insurance schemes, both provided by globalised commodity-based food supply chains. These insurance instruments may lead farmers to plant riskier cash crops more often, resulting in relatively more monocultures (Müller and Kreuer 2016). In this agriculture model, large companies and retailers often retain most of the added value (Sect. 3.1). Because they are integrated in dynamics of large-scale commodity-based food systems, these farming systems are often poorly connected to local natural resource management issues and strategies, leading to conflicts over issues such as water shortages due to irrigation, water quality due to pollution and erosion due to bare soils. A typical example of this decoupling is the world soya bean market, which grew strongly during the 1990s and led to high environmental impacts in regions where soya bean is grown (e.g. pesticide pollution, deforestation) as well in those where it is used as feed for specialised and concentrated livestock enterprises (i.e. nitrogen emissions) (Billen et al. 2014a, b, Sect. 3.1). Biological input-based farming systems usually are also embedded in and mainly interact with globalised commodity-based food supply chains for the supply of biological inputs (e.g. biostimulants, biopesticides, external organisms) and trading of their products. However, they may evolve due to additional opportunities provided by circular economies to replace chemical inputs with biological inputs and for diversification (e.g. biomass production for bioenergy). These two degrees of integration in globalised commodity-based food systems helped us to distinguish two agriculture models (lower left and right quadrants in Fig. 4). When biological input-based farming systems are involved in circular economies, they are more embedded in territorial socio-economic dynamics (Sect. 3.2). Research on dynamics of nutrient availability is also needed to manage organic fertilisation effectively, especially in the context of an increasing diversity of organic resources and development of minimum tillage. Furthermore, management of soil organic matter must be designed not only to consider organic matter as a source of plant nutrients but also to foster carbon sequestration or prevent soil erosion. Consequently, interactions between several ecosystem services have to be analysed (Kirkby et al. 2014; Noellemeyer and Six 2015). Here also, user-friendly decision-support systems have to be developed. In addition to generic knowledge about the functioning of agricultural ecosystems and landscapes, research should also develop participatory procedures and operational tools to design and assess diversified farming systems and landscapes, possibly based on modelling, and operational methods to monitor their dynamics (Duru et al. 2015a, b; Freeman et al. 2015; Mastrangelo et al. 2014; Reed et al. 2016; Voinov et al. 2016). For example, research could develop tools to design the spatial distribution and management of non-crop habitats at farm and landscape levels (e.g. Tzilivakis et al. 2016). More generally, how new information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used to render scientific knowledge accessible and operational or to collect experience feedback from farmers have to be explored (Dowd et al. 2014; Duru et al. 2015a). Our analytical framework led us to identify agronomic knowledge gaps of each agriculture model and transversal ones, such as conditions for their co-existence from farm, local, regional and global levels. For agriculture models involving chemical input- and biological input-based farming systems, development of operational knowledge about the best management practices to follow to apply the Right Product, Right Rate, Right Time, and Right Place remains a scientific challenge. When these farming systems are involved in circular economies, agro-industrial ecology is required to provide decision-support systems to analyse, design and assess circular economy options. For the three agriculture models involving biodiversity-based farming systems, the main agronomic research issues involve development of (i) breeding procedures for cultivars adapted to provide targeted ecosystem services in different production situations; (ii) actionable agro-ecological knowledge in specific production situations about relationships between management practices, associated biodiversity and ecosystem services; and (iii) participatory procedures and operational tools to design and assess diversified farming systems and landscapes and to monitor their dynamics. Biodiversity-based farming systems involved in circular economies and alternative food systems require operational knowledge to develop integrated food-energy systems. When involved in integrated landscape approaches, knowledge is required to develop integrated management of the Food/Non-food/Natural resources nexus. 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Chord Scale Generator 1.3 Keygen Software [REPACK] DOWNLOAD ->>->>->> Using warez version, crack, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, key generator, pirate key, keymaker or keygen forChord Scale Generator 1.3 license key is illegal and prevent future development ofChord Scale Generator 1.3. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website,Chord Scale Generator 1.3 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services,including Chord Scale Generator 1.3 Rapidshare, MegaUpload, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, DivShare or MediaFire,are not allowed! Your computer will be at risk getting infected with spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojan horses, dialers, etcwhile you are searching and browsing these illegal sites which distribute a so called keygen, key generator, pirate key, serial number, warez full version or crack forChord Scale Generator 1.3. These infections might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy.Chord Scale Generator 1.3 keygen or key generator might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer.Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people. Tonespace is an excellent free chord generator VST. Its unique interface displays chords and scales on a grid to help understand the structure and the relationship between different notes. It accepts simple, single-note MIDI input to generate full chords, and runs as either a VST/AU plugin or a standalone application. ChordworX is a Windows-only generator that takes a single note and generates up to seven notes for complete chords and arpeggios. It comes loaded with 98 existing chords and gives users the option to add their own. However, unless you have undergone ear training for several years, you will have difficulty finding the chords of a song or sample quickly, even if you play the piano or guitar. Hence, we have plenty of tools that detect the scale of your audio, which in turn helps you find the correct chords. Mixed In Key SE is a straightforward key detection software, ideal for contemporary producers who use a lot of samples and loops. It displays all the played notes in the audio as well as multiple keys or chord changes. Antares is the developer of the renowned real-time pitch correction software Auto-Tune. Producers have used it to improve their vocals subtly or create robotic effects. And the next step to assisting you in getting faster results is Auto-Key, which is a real-time scale or key detector. Scaler 2 is primarily a chord generation plugin that helps you create chord progressions from scratch using a vast library of built-in scales and genres. Among the many features of this plugin, chord and key detection are handy. Furthermore, in addition to detecting chords from audio, it can also do the same with MIDI clips. Occasionally, software tools can give wrong results, too, especially with a synth pad or keys sample. For example, if the software is limited to detecting triad chords only, it could see an F Maj7 (F-A-C-E) as either an F Maj (F-A-C) or an Am (A-C-E) chord. In addition to having a massive library of scales and chords, from a simple C major, to Super-Locrian Diminished scales, Scaler 2 also allows you to detect scales and chords from an audio or MIDI input. Melodyne gives you the ability to bring out all the musical details in your recordings and edit them note by note - something you cannot do in any other software. It analyses the audio in a sophisticated manner and goes deep into your samples to recognize the scales, notes and chords that are played, as well as the tempo and tonal character. 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
5.25 Media Dashboard Driver LINK ::: There is a HP highest-quality 5.25"-to-3.5" toolless adapter that I like the best that the 3.5" media card reader can be mounted into at about 10.00 including shipping via an eBay search currently for "New HP 3.5 Media Device in ODD Bay Carrier 3.5 - 5.25 Media Converter 468770-001". These also are no longer available from HP PartSurfer. The 3.5" card reader has 2 threaded holes along each side to accept HP silver shouldered non-metric screws (5/32 national coarse I believe) and that slides down and then forward into the adapter perfectly, clicking into place. The green plastic button allows release to slide backwards and up and out if needed. The 19 pin plug he mentions fits in the standard "USB3 motherboard-type header" that is available at the rear of the HP "2x2" TI-chipset PCIe card I show.... it is actually a "2 x 10 header with a 1 pin blank".... very much the standard for these. If you look at the StarTech card reader you'll see a front dedicated USB3 port at the bottom right face of the reader, which runs straight to the "2x2" PCIe card in one of the 2 blue cables, and the second blue cable fed by that plug is only for the media cards. The HP USB3 media card reader I referenced uses only one of the 2 possible USB3 channels so its data cable is less bulky. The HP media card reader's cable length is perfect in the Z420 build I show, with the card reader sitting in its adapter in the lowest of the three 5.25" bays. To accommodate varying driver sizes, Freightliner has equipped its cab with throttle, brake and clutch pedals that can be moved three inches up from the standard position toward the driver. The foot pedals can be controlled by a dashboard switch. 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Ice Download Di Film Mp4 \/\/TOP\\\\ Click Here === Advanced Systems Format (.asf)The Advanced Systems Format (ASF) is the preferred Windows Media file format. With Windows Media Player, if the appropriate codecs are installed on your computer, you can play audio content, video content, or both, that is compressed with a wide variety of codecs and that is stored in an .asf file. Additionally, you can stream audio and video content with Windows Media Services, or you can package that content with Windows Media Rights Manager.ASF is an extensible file format that stores synchronized multimedia data. It supports data delivery over a wide variety of networks and protocols. It is also suitable for local playback. ASF supports advanced multimedia capabilities including extensible media types, component download, scalable media types, author-specified stream prioritization, multiple language support, and extensive bibliographic capabilities that include document and content management.Typically, ASF files that contain audio content that is compressed with the Windows Media Audio (WMA) codec use the .wma extension. Similarly, ASF files that contain audio content, video content, or both, that is compressed with Windows Media Audio (WMA) and Windows Media Video (WMV) codecs use the .wmv extension. Finally, content that is compressed with any other codec use the generic .asf extension. For more information about ASF, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Windows Media Download (WMD) packages combine Windows Media Player skin borders, playlist information, and multimedia content in a single downloadable file that uses a .wmd extension. A .wmd package can include a whole album of music videos that also displays advertising in the form of graphical branding and links to an online music retailer Web site.To download a .wmd package from a Web site, click the link to the package. When the package is downloaded to your computer, Windows Media Player automatically extracts the files that are contained in the package, adds the playlists in the package, adds the content to Media Library, displays the border skin in theNow Playing pane of Windows Media Player (in full mode), and then plays the first item in the playlist. For more information about .wmd files, visit the following Microsoft Web site: download Seattle unlimited Movies and videos Download Here.Seattle Hd,3gp. mp4 320p and More Videos You Can Download Easyly. tamilrockers and movierulz, tamilgun, filmywap, and pagalworld videos and Movies download. In Nacht und Eis (English: "In Night and Ice"), also called Der Untergang der Titanic ("The Sinking of the Titanic") and Shipwrecked in Icebergs in the US, is a 1912 German adventure-disaster drama film about the sinking of RMS Titanic. The filming began in May 1912, and the film premiered in August 1912. The film starts out with the passengers boarding at Southampton. The lives of the passengers on board the ill-fated ocean liner are depicted. On 14 April, Titanic strikes an iceberg, throwing the diners in the Café Parisien to the side. Panic strikes the passengers. The crew ready the lifeboats, despite the fact that there are not enough of them. Women and children are loaded, while the men are held back. The radio operators (who take up most of the sinking part of the film) send out an SOS. Fire blows out of the funnels during the sinking and then the boilers explode. The radio room floods, and finally the operators and captain jump ship and Titanic sinks. Some survivors make it to a lifeboat, where they are pulled in. The captain swims to the lifeboat but when he is offered a spot, he instead swims away and goes underwater to drown. The film was produced by Continental-Kunstfilm of Berlin, and while most of its footage was shot in a glasshouse studio in the rear courtyard of the offices at 123 Chausseestrasse, some footage was shot in Hamburg, and some was possibly done aboard the German ocean liner Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, then docked at Hamburg. The Café Parisien scenes were filmed in the vessel's Winter Garden. The Berlin Fire Department provided water to use for the sinking scenes. With a running time of 35 minutes, In Nacht und Eis was three times longer than the average film of 1912. Shot in black and white, various scenes were tinted to heighten their impact, such as night scenes in dark blue and a shot of a stoker feeding a burner in red. The film was presumed lost until February 1998, when the German film archivist Horst Lange, after seeing a newspaper article mentioning the disappearance of In Nacht und Eis, informed the paper that he possessed a print of the film.[1] Various scenes can be seen in the documentary Beyond Titanic. The movie itself is available to view in its entirety on YouTube. OBS Studio is a free and open source screen recorder for video recording and live streaming, which enables you to record a screen without a watermark easily. This kind of screen recorder for PC free download without watermark can capture and mix video or audio with high performance and create scenes made of multiple sources, including windows captures, images, text, webcams, capture cards, and more. Moreover, it gives you access to a wide array of configuration options to tweak every aspect of broadcasting or recording. If you are using Windows 10 PC, you can try Windows 10 Game DVR - a built-in PC screen recorder with no watermark. It is mainly designed to help users capture their favorite gameplay. However, if you want, you also can use it to record anything on your computer screen, including lectures, podcasts, video calls, etc. Most importantly, it is a built-in screen recording program and completely free, which means you don't need to download or install any third-party software. QuickTime Player is a multifunctional media player for Mac users. Actually, it is not only a player but a screen recorder. This free screen capture can help you record and share what's happening on your screen and save it as a video file with no watermark. Once you are satisfied with the recordings, you can also use a tool to save the video or share it to social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, etc. Most importantly, this program is a built-in Mac computer, and you don't need to download it again. The second option was to set the camera down on a tripod, start filming, step out of the frame, leave the camera there for 10-20, and then come back in and stop filming. For the final video, we would then edit the parts with us in them out and stitch together this footage. This is the choice that we decided to go with. It would allow us to present the glorified parts of Trinity House and give the viewer enough time to pan around each room, all while leaving out the uninteresting aspects of the dorm. Mp3 Juice is the most popular free mp3 search engine tool and music downloader, is very popular. MP3 Juice is a great tool to convert and download youtube videos and music. The Mp3 Juice website is the best way to quickly and easily download mp3 music. Its simplicity makes Mp3juice easy to use, so anyone can search for and download high-quality audio files You can also copy and paste the Youtube URL and hit the convert button. This will convert the youtube video into mp3. After you click the search button, conversion will begin. Your mp3 music file will be available for download in a matter of minutes. This website offers unlimited downloading of youtube music and Mp3 juice song free download in HD quality. You can also click "PLAY" to play the audio file before you download it. Mp3juices take only 2-5 seconds to convert and download audio files. The mp3juices website has no viruses and is completely safe to use. It's also a great alternative to paid mp3 music downloading tools. Mp3juice can be accessed in many languages. You can use it to convert your YouTube videos to mp3 format. You can access this free mp3 download website online via an internet connection or WiFi. Bookmark this website to make it easy to access on a regular basis. Once you have downloaded the audio file, open it in any audio player to listen offline in high-quality. MP3 juice music is easy to navigate through and provides a simple interface for downloading the audio. You might be wondering why people prefer mp3juices to get mp3 juice for free. This tool provides high-speed audio downloads, and users don't need to give any personal information. It is easy to download mp3 juice by visiting the website and entering the song name into the search box or pasting the URL. Select one search result and then convert it to audio by clicking the download button. Finally, hit the Download button to get the audio file at high speeds. 2b1af7f3a8
22 de mar. de 2023
In Fórum de maternidade
Apple Health Records Now Available For Allscripts Clients [BEST] DOWNLOAD - Apple will integrate its Health Records platform with many products from electronic health records (EHR) vendor Allscripts, including Sunrise, TouchWorks, and Professional EHR systems, per Healthcare Dive. The deal marks a big move for Apple's push into healthcare, as it will vastly increase the number of provider partners in its stable, as well as patients whose health data will be included in the company's health ecosystem. Apple's health data-sharing feature is now live in the latest version of iOS, allowing some users to give their clinicians information from their phone's Health app via their electronic health records. Last month we also learned that Apple is testing out an API to integrate data for patient healthcare claims into the Health app. Meanwhile, earlier this year Apple partnered with the US Department of Veterans to offer digital health records on iPhone. As one of the largest electronic health records companies in the United States, this new partnership means that health professionals and patients can access their records on their iPhones under Apple Health, streamlining the patient-doctor experience in new ways. Practice Fusion Inc. (Practice Fusion), a San Francisco-based health information technology developer, will pay $145 million to resolve criminal and civil investigations relating to its electronic health records (EHR) software, the Department of Justice announced today. Launched in 2014, the Apple Health app initially provided tools for patients to collect and organize their personal health data from devices and user input. In 2018, Apple launched its Health Records platform, built using SMART on FHIR to let users see updated, consistent health records from more than 700 providers using various EHR systems. SMART on FHIR combines SMART open-source tools with the FHIR API. SMART on FHIR apps let providers, payers, and patients view patient records, monitor cardiovascular health, schedule services, and much more. They can pull in all the data they need any from almost any EHR system, whether its Epic, Cerner, AllScripts, Athena Health, or another vendor. Epic systems is famously known as one of the first providers of electronic health records and currently provides support to some of the world's biggest healthcare systems. Since its founding in 1979, Epic's long-standing reputation and experience boasts easy scalability and effective products and services. Over time, the company has evolved to cater to primarily small and mid-sized practices; however, their services are also used across entire health care communities, children's organizations, and integrated delivery networks. Epic is a cloud-based EHR, which is a scalable, and cost-effective solution for securely storing patient health records in accordance with HIPAA regulations. Systematically, Epic operates with a standard range of reliable EHR features, such as template-based data entry, order management, and electronic communication and connectivity, while also providing a plethora of third-party apps to customize to the needs of specific specialties. Perhaps one of Epic's biggest selling points is the company's intense focus on patient management and remote care facilitation. Such efforts are reflected in the company's extensive patient portal and existing telehealth extensions. Notably, Epic encompasses all aspects of care, including registration, patient scheduling and billing-making it a well-integrated system. Additionally, Epic systems provides necessary implementation, training, and technical services to support its users long-term. Founded by three accountants in Kansas City, Missouri, Cerner is a proud provider of electronic medical records for over 40 years. Cerner mainly focuses on health information technology systems and the provision of services to health care providers of all sizes, along with 55 distinct specialties. Forbes magazine has recognized Cerner as one of the nation's most innovative companies and a great employer for new graduates-making Cerner a proud leading innovator in EHRs. Cerner's EHR platform, the Millennium, constitutes of a fully-integrated cloud-based EHR system that spans the care continuum aimed at improving workflow, organization, and advancing patient care. One of Cerner's biggest selling points is their in-depth commitment to success via the extensive implementation, full-service, and strategic vision support service offerings. Additionally, Cerner is committed to improving the charting experience and healthcare delivery for all institutions by providing strategic population health advisory services to smaller medical practices, and more recently, a new tailored cloud-based technology-CommunityWorks-to help Critical Access Hospitals reduce financial barriers. Similarly, Cerner offers other support and training services, such as revenue cycle management, wellness, scorecards, and performance improvement services. Cerner's client care support model "enables caregivers to correspond and communicate with other providers clinicians and patients," thus optimizing physician-patient communication and increasing efficiency. Cerner remains one of the most prominent leaders in the EHR market with a reputable list of high-profile clients. Founded in 1999, eClinicalWorks (eCW) is a technology enterprise whose EHR primarily helps to provide IT ambulatory services, and improve care efficiency and organize workflow for healthcare institutions, while prioritizing customers. Being a technological enterprise, eClinicalWorks prides itself in the development of its own comprehensive medical technology, which is widely available to over fifty diverse specialties, including hospitals, health centers, mobile clinics, and surgical centers. Operating since 1976, NextGen has been assisting nearly 155,000 physicians with their electronic health records software, which is focused exclusively on improving the experience of ambulatory care providers and specialty practices, regardless of size, and their related communities. NextGen focuses on leveraging financial management solutions with clinical solutions to assist practices in achieving both clinical and financial advantage. Intergy is a cloud-based EHR system-available as a hosted or on-premise EHR-dedicated to promoting financially healthy operations and offering a variety of solutions, such as monitoring, automatic updates, return on investment, and secure HIPAA compliant servers. A couple of Entergy's focuses include the optimization of chronic disease management care, driving payer incentives, and advocating for value-based healthcare. Greenway offers a subscription-based hosted solution aimed at alleviating security and infrastructure concerns common to health practices. Greenway also offers support to their EHR clients via the delivery of technology and the cultivation of strategic partnerships to help spur profitable growth and improve patient healthcare outcomes. Additionally, Greenway Intergy reports 5,000 clinical and financial fields in an included service-Intergy Practice Analytics-that provides users with thorough clinical insight into quality measure performance in order to support and encourage high quality care delivery. Over 250 million American patients have their health records in the Epic ecosystem. Access to this data is provided via Epic on FHIR APIs. Developers may create apps that will retrieve over 50 data elements including but not limited to the USCDI set. DailyMed publication. The FDA sends information on drugs marketed in the US to its official website, DailyMed, launched in 2005 by the National Library of Medicine (NLM.) Through DailyMed, trustworthy data on prescription medicines and their side effects become publicly available for health systems, physicians, and general users. DrChrono API enables developers to build custom solutions on top of DrChrono, the first EHR system with telehealth functionality for iPad and iPhone. Apps created with the API let their users schedule appointments, exchange data elements from patients medical records, and manage medical documents. Netsmart and Allscripts announced that they will partner to help ensure integrated care is achieved for all heath communities. This collaboration will focus on further enhancing clinical workflows, optimizing outcomes and reducing costs. Netsmart and Allscripts share clients that use the Allscripts Sunrise electronic health record for physical health and the Netsmart myAvatar CareRecord EHR for behavioral health. One collaborative initiative will enable Allscripts Sunrise users to view behavioral health records within an Allscripts Sunrise workflow, and myAvatar users to view physical health records in a myAvatar workflow. These capabilities will help lead to improved care, a streamlined user experience for clinicians and reduced costs.A second initiative will integrate Netsmart's behavioral EHRs with Allscripts ambulatory EHR platforms. This will allow for improved care coordination for the 26% of the population who will have a mental illness diagnosis this year. Commonwealth Health supports Health Records on iPhone which brings together hospitals, clinics and the existing Apple Health app to make it easy for patients to see their available medical data from multiple providers. Learn more about how you can view your encrypted, secure health records on your iPhone. Holy Cross Health changed its electronic health record system in October 2022. MyChart may not have all historical visit information and test results available for visits that occurred before this date. The growing medical industry is one of the major factors responsible for driving the demand for EHR. Likewise, the industry has been a witness to transforming developmental trends fostered on account of product innovations, geographical expansion, mergers and acquisitions to name a few. On that note, some of the accomplishments of the top-notch electronic health records industry players are underlined below: 2b1af7f3a8


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