The Best Way To Prune Iberis Sempervirens
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Iberis sempervirens 'Tahoe' prefers full sun for best blooming and well-drained, alkaline soil. Avoid wet soils, particularly in winter. Some afternoon shade is appreciated in hot climates. Trim back after blooming to encourage fresh growth to fill in. Hard prune every two to three years to maintain best form.
The genus name, Iberis, is derived from the Greek word, iberis, meaning the plant is originally from Iberia. The specific epithet, sempervirens, is derived from Latin and is two separate words. Semper, meaning "always," and vivus, meaning "alive."
The plant genus name, Iberian, is derived from the Greek word, iberis, which means a plant hailing from the Iberian Peninsula in Spain. The specific epithet, sempervirens is a combination of two Greek words. Semper means always green and foliar, which means foliage.
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The best place to plant candytuft is in moist but well-drained soil in full sun to dappled shade. Water once a week during dry spells. Mulch around perennial varieties in autumn to protect them from cold and then, in spring, prune the stems back to about 10cm, to promote lush new growth. 2b1af7f3a8